eriodontitis, also called pyorrhea, is an infectious, chronic disease characterized by the destruction of the tissues that support teeth: gum, alveolar bone, cement and periodontal ligament. If left untreated it leads to tooth loss.
It represents one of the most prevalent chronic inflammatory diseases in the population of western countries, over 35 years of age it has a prevalence of 47% and exceeds 60% in over 65s.
8 million Italians suffer from it.
It may remain asymptomatic for a long time, but gingival bleeding is the first sign of disease.
The following clinical symptoms / signs of periodontitis should be monitored:
- gingival bleeding (spontaneous or during tooth brushing)
- gingival margin recession (long teeth)
- tooth mobility
- tooth displacement
- tooth loss
- presence of halitosis
The diabetic patient has a particular susceptibility to infections, local irritations in the oral cavity and manifests slow repairing and regenerative processes, therefore the condition of the oral cavity can be a wake-up call and the dentist has the possibility to identify signs and symptoms early.
Do your gums bleed? Are you a diabetic patient?